Articles et sites internet

Articles scientifiques

LORIMER D. (2007, 2 Novembre) A bright millisecond radio burst of extragalactic origin, Science, n°318

LOEB A. (2014, 2 Janvier) FRB may originate from nearby flaring stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, n°439

SPITLER L. (2014, 1 Août)  Fast radio burst discovered in the Arecibo pulsar alfa survey, The Astrophysical Journal, n°790

PETROFF E. (2014, 12 Décembre) A real-time fast radio burst: polarization detection and multiwavelength follow-up, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, n°447 

MASUI K. (2015, 24 Décembre) Dense magnetized plasma associated with FRB, Nature, n°528

KEANE E. (2016, 25 Février) The host galaxy of a fast radio burst, Nature, n°530

SPITLER L. & SCHOLZ P. (2016, 10 Mars) A repeating fast radio burst, Nature, n°531

CHATTERJEE S. (2017, 5 janvier). A direct localization of a Fast Radio Burst and its host. Nature, n°541

Articles de presse

Caught in the act: cosmic radio burst (2015, 20 Janvier) States News Services

A faster response needed to see Fast Radio Bursts in the Universe  (2015, 9 Février) Premium Official News

Rogue Microwave Ovens Are the Culprits Behind Mysterious Radio Signals – Phenomena (2015, 23 Avril) US Official News

‘Fast radio burst’ sheds new light on origin of these extreme events  (2015, 15 Décembre) Physics Week

Pour la première fois, les scientifiques identifient l’origine d’un «sursaut radio rapide» (2016, 25 Février) 20 Minutes

New fast radio burst discovery finds ‘missing matter’ in the universe (2016, 29 Février) US Official News

Mysterious cosmic radio bursts found to repeat (2016, 2 Mars) States News Services

Flash of invisible light helps astronomers map the cosmic web (2016, 28 Novembre) Premium Offical News

Fast radio burst tied to distant dwarf galaxy, and perhaps magnetar (2017, 22 Janvier) NewsRX Health and Science

Les mystérieux flashs radio localisés, (2017, 23 Février) La Recherche, n°521, p16

Sites internet

Wikipédia, Fast Radio Burst

Observatoire de Paris, Unité de Distance: Apprendre

Ciel des Hommes, Dictionnaire: le Parsec

Le Matériel Internet du Radio astronaute, La Propagation des Ondes